
Information for Contributors


© 2016 Harborside Press®



The Journal of the Advanced Practitioner in Oncology (JADPRO) is a bimonthly, peer-reviewed journal dedicated to addressing the multifaceted aspects of care provided by advanced practitioners involved in the management of patients with cancer. The aim of this journal is to provide the most recent clinical, scientific, and professional information available to the advanced practitioner audience.

General Guidelines

Both solicited and unsolicited manuscripts are considered for publication in JADPRO. Manuscripts will be accepted for review if the content has not previously been published and is not currently under consideration for publication in another journal. Articles following previously presented material may be submitted with an accompanying descriptive statement. The decision to publish any type of article is the sole responsibility of the Editors.

All articles are to be submitted electronically in manuscript format as indicated by the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA), 6th ed. All manuscripts should be double-spaced in 12 pt font. All articles are to be accompanied by a title page, as well as keywords. Review articles must include an abstract summarizing the content and implications of the article. Both generic and trade names of pharmaceuticals should be provided. On first mention of the generic name, include the trade name in parentheses. Thereafter the generic name should be used.

Title Page

Title page should include a specific, brief title; full names of all authors in order; primary affiliations; and academic and clinical appointments. Contact information for the primary author should be provided, including city, state, mailing address, telephone and fax numbers, and email address. This information will be used for correspondence between the author and editors during the submission and peer review process.


Articles must be well-referenced with references cited at least once in text and listed alphabetically at the end of the manuscript according to APA format. Authors are responsible for the accuracy of all references. References should include doi numbers whenever available.

Tables, Figures, and illustrations

Authors are encouraged to include tables, figures, photos, illustrations, and artwork to elaborate on or emphasize key concepts, and to add visual interest. All tables, figures, photos, and illustrations should be submitted at the end of the manuscript, each on a separate page, and numbered consecutively as they appear in text. Tables, figures, and illustrations must be accompanied by a comprehensive, explanatory caption. Figures should be high-resolution (300 dpi) .jpg, .tiff, or .eps files, and may be in black-and-white or color.


If previously published or copyrighted non-original material or photographs of subjects are to be included, permissions for print and online use must be provided at the time of manuscript submission. Permissions must be granted with signatures from an entity with authority to grant said permission.

Financial Disclosure

Financial disclosure is required for all articles. All potential sources of bias or conflict of interest, including relationships such as those of consultants and speaker bureaus, must be identified in the interest of transparency to the readership. You will be prompted to download and complete the required form during the article submission process (see below).

Submission Process

Articles should be submitted through our online submission platform hosted by ScholarOne. Go to http://www.advancedpractitioner.com/submissions/ and click on the blue SUBMIT button. The journal will contact the primary author of the manuscript to acknowledge receipt of the submission. An abstract may be submitted to the journal via email to editor@advancedpractitioner.com for editorial response to topic or concept for potential future submissions.

Peer Review

All articles submitted to JADPRO will initially be reviewed by the Editor-in-Chief or Associate Editors. Acceptance is based on relevance and originality. All manuscripts will undergo a double-blind peer review by two or more reviewers. Articles will be reviewed for key concepts such as topic relevance, importance to the field of oncology, appropriateness of content for the advanced practitioner, originality, quality and completeness of work, clarity, and the priority of the work to JADPRO and its readership.

Types of Articles

All word counts are exclusive of abstracts, figures, illustrations, photos, and references.

Review articles: Review articles are approximately 3000–4500 words (10–15 pages). Review articles must include an abstract of approximately 150–200 words. Review articles should be comprehensive and include an introduction and discussion. Certain review articles may also be published as a part of a series of review articles within an ongoing topic.

Grand Rounds: Grand Rounds articles are approximately 1500–2400 words (5–8 pages). A Grand Rounds article is a shorter but complete review article with a relevant, interwoven case study describing the patient by demographics, current issues and diagnoses, treatments, interventions, general course of action, and outcomes. Grand Rounds articles should include a discussion. All patient information should be de-identified to protect patient anonymity.

Practice Matters: Practice Matters articles are approximately 1000–1500 words (3–5 pages). Articles for this feature may highlight an advanced practitioner in clinical practice or topics pertinent to the clinical practice or professional development of advanced practitioners. For example, an article might feature a discussion of legislative issues pertinent to advanced practitioners or new programs instituted in practice to assist the advanced practitioner.

Prescriber’s Corner: Prescriber’s Corner articles are generally 1000–1500 words (3–5 pages). The article is intended to review a class of drugs or provide a single drug update. The article features a drug or treatment, providing information relevant to the advanced practitioner as prescriber and provider. It should provide a comprehensive review of a pharmaceutical relevant to oncology care, including drug class, indications, action, pertinent studies, method of administration, side effects, and implications for the advanced practitioner.

Original Research: JADPRO publishes manuscripts focusing on research findings and developments in the oncology arena and the role of the advanced practitioner. Original research articles are generally 3500 to 4000 words. Aspects of original research should include study purpose and design, setting, sample, methods, research variables, research findings, and conclusions. The implications for the advanced practitioner should be emphasized.

Tools & Technology: An article for this feature is typically 500–1000 words (2–3 pages). The article highlights or reviews current or upcoming electronic tools, software, devices, and platforms that may be of use as a resource to the advanced practitioner in practice. Articles might include an overview of options in technology that may enhance clinical practice or professional development.

Translating Research into Practice (TRIP): TRIP feature articles are generally 1500–2000 words (5–7 pages), focusing on reviews and critical appraisals of pertinent research, including research whose findings have yet to be implemented in clinical practice, and information on research methodology and practice.

Letters to the Editor and Commentaries: Readers are encouraged to share their thoughts on issues relevant to the advanced practitioner community. Letters to the Editor and Commentaries should be sent to editor@advancedpractitioner.com.

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